Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm -- Life as a Goblin [PC]

The starting experiences for the races being introduced in Blizzard's World of Warcraft: Cataclysm expansion, so far, are very impressive. After the introduction of phased questing in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion in late 2008, the designers at Blizzard have compiled all that's been learned and put together some of the most entertaining MMO questing experiences I've played in a long time. The Alliance get the Worgen race, a wolf-like race of humanoids you can find details about in previous coverage . The opening tale is a serious one, still inflected with Blizzard's goofy Warcraft humor but also grim and dark, a tone mirrored in the dense, misty woods and jagged rocks of the Gilneas starting zone. The Goblin race, which joins the Horde, is by comparison much more lighthearted in tone and, at points, quite funny as you strap on rocket shoes, throw parties, and drive ridiculous cars to get through the first few levels of life.

As a Goblin you're tossed into the action fairly quickly. Right from the beginning you're gunning for a promotion to Trade Prince on the island of Kezan, which is a big deal for Goblins. The initial quest is simply to go into a nearby mine to get the Trolls in down there working again, and along the way you might pick up a can of Kaja'cola. Consuming one of these is good for a short, small bonus to Intelligence, but also "gives you ideas" which in one case caused my Goblin character to shout out "A truck that delivers ice-cream. With a catapult!" It's silly, but it's a style of humor Warcraft fans would expect at this point, and works within the fiction Blizzard has built up around this particular race within its world.

The Goblin Dance

Once that's done access is opened up to the rest of the starting area, which is large enough that it's a pain to trot around on foot between quest givers. Thankfully it's not long into the experience until you're handed a Key to the Hot Rod, which lets you summon a gigantic car at any time to speed around at a faster rate. While in the car you can turn the radio on, hit the hot rod's horn (which coincidentally sends any Goblins in the area running in all different directions), and get a temporary 50% speed boost. If you happen to hit an innocent Goblin while driving this thing they'll yell and go flying into the air, which is particularly hilarious if you run through the line of Goblins waiting to get into the bank. As they soar through the air after the collision they'll yell at you, call you a bad driver, and threaten to sue.

Driving through the city reveals an area that's full of machinery and smoke stacks and, for some reason, fake flamingos. Outside the house you start in the trainers aren't just standing around like robots. The Rogue trainer is stealthing around the yard, the Mage and Warlock trailers are firing magic projectiles at each other, and the Warrior trainer is a wooden cutout bobbing back and forth on a spring. With NPC names like Bruno Flameratardent and Sudsy Magee, it gives a pretty good indication of the kind of quest tasks you'll be getting into.

Take the footbomb field, for instance, where a Goblin dressed in what appears to be football pads drops you into a nearby Shredder. On a field of artificial turf you then need to blow up the opposing team, the Steamwheedle Sharks, using footbombs, as the crowd cheers on all sides. He then hands you another bomb and asks you to kick it through two smokestacks that stand like uprights in a football game. Unfortunately it seems your kick goes a little too far and slams into the island's volcano, which then starts to shudder as the ground shakes underfoot. This rumbling remains constant for the rest of your time on Kezan, which helps to reinforce the idea that you're making changes to the game world.

Rocketboot Hunting

For me, the highlight of the whole starting experience was getting a party together to boost social standing on the way up to the rank of Trade Prince. The beginning section requires you to motor around town and pick up components of a "hip new outfit." When it comes time for the party you have to put this on and there's absolutely nothing classy about any of the components. The glasses are especially ugly in a funny kind of way, as the purple lenses that periodically flash are topped with rows of blinking lights. Along with this new attire come new skills like the ability to give champagne to partygoers, drop buckets in front of Goblins who've imbibed a little too much, hand out snacks and fireworks, and generally make sure that everyone in attendance has a good time.

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